Since serial numbers may identify different years, the owner's manual can often be used to help pinpoint the date of manufacture. Most owner's manuals have a date listed on the front page or back page of the manual. This is usually printed next to a publication number on the manual and looks something like 02-20 (February of 2020), 01-21 (January of 2021) or 04/17 (April of 2017). The print date may not exactly match the month and year from your serial number. As long as it is close to the serial number, it will verify that you have determined the correct age. Check the owner's manual for the print date.
Heavy duty GE stove. Solid burners. LED clock/timer. New oven elements recently. Self cleaning oven works great and just cleaned. Everything works. We renovating and don't need it anymore. Comes with the original Owner's Manual.
Ge Medallion 850 Stove Manual
To inspect the pump for blockages, first check your user manual to determine how to access the drain pump on your model machine. If there are no visible obstructions but the pump still hums or operates loudly, it may require a professional replacement. 2ff7e9595c